
I've been meaning to write a new blog for a while now. I've been a little busy lately. 

Today I was going through some old journal entries and found one that I wanted to share.

.......But lately my heart has begun to focus on an old dream [I had] when I was pregnant with Isaac 
   I was worshiping God, holding a baby- mine. Dark-brown hair. 
While I had believed that baby was Isaac I don't believe so now. 
That baby is still coming- my dark-haired beauty is coming. In whatever way God allows. 

That baby is here. My dark haired beauty. Born July 1, 2015 at 2;36 pm. Evan James. His birth was beautiful. He weighed 7 lbs 12 oz              20 1/4 in. tall. Perfect in every way. His name is the Welsh form of John, meaning "God has been gracious, or God has shown favor."
And He certainly has been gracious. We don't deserve this precious gift, but we are so thankful for it. 
 He brings so much joy to our family. We are so blessed by his presence.

Thank you for all of the prayers as we have walked through this journey. We are so blessed by all the support and the wonderful community, here and around the world. Thank you. 

And with out further ado... some pictures.



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