Widening My Spectrum

We have been officially in Bozeman for 4 days. I know it already- God is and will be working through us here in Bozeman. I guess thats the point though- its the reason we moved thousands of miles away from the complacent life we'd been living.

Already I have watched the neighbors children. (That was a blast!)
While I still havent learned my neighbor's story, I sense that she is needing lots of prayer and love.

We also have neighbors that remind us of "celebrities" only because of their "awesome" hair. Snookie and Billy Ray Cyrus live next door. They seem like cool people. Billy Ray has a killer mullet that is sure to make anyone smile.

So while I was watching our neighbors kiddos we decided to go on an excursion to the park. While we were there, I saw something that broke my heart and literally stopped me in my tracks. Two young boys (probably 12 or 13) lighting up a joint. I couldnt believe it. And them realizing there were adults at the park began to leave. But before they left the park grounds completely they stopped another boy around the same age to offer him some... This young man wisely declined and he and his little brother went back home (which just so happened to be across the street) and later came back to the park with dad in tow.
Right before we left the park I caught a glimpse of those two young men. Who quickly disappeared seeing that there were even more adults than before.

After today's events I believe that God will use us to reach a vast spectrum of people. Whether or not I am ready for it.
Because in all honesty I was convinced that this ministry stuff wasnt for me. I'm not the kind of person that goes out and just meets people. Its a lie I have fed myself for the longest time and I am realizing how bad it tastes. We are all called to ministry, to reach the un-reached and love the unloved. Pray that we can continue to love on our new neighbors. And that some how we can reach the lives of those two young boys.

Please pray that jobs are found quickly, however that we are patient in not jumping on the first on that pays but waiting for the ones that God has for us.



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