
I like to look back at my life every so often. I like to do this through picture's, email's and most importantly my journal. Why, you ask? I have learned over the years that if I don't look at where I have been, I may not be going anywhere. Think about it. This applies to all area's of my life family, friends, job and most importantly my relationship with Jesus. I don't want to be the same husband I was to my wife a year ago, I need to be a better one. Same for my boys and being their daddy. In my relationship with the living God I don't want to be the same follower as I was yesterday or most certainly the year earlier. 
     As I was flipping back through my journal of this past year a month caught my attention. A year ago this month Danielle and I had just found out we would be having our third child. I was preparing to go on a trip to Nepal to spread the gospel to remote villages. Also bringing supplies to the orphanage in Kathmandu where I would get to meet our young girl we sponsor and support. I wrote in my journal "God thank you! We have been praying we could have another child, you are the great provider. We give this child to you. We cast all our cares and worries to you". 
Now little did I know at the time how true that prayer was. Two weeks later I found myself half way around the world on my knee's crying out to the same great provider. I had just learned that my wife had to have surgery that day to remove a child that was now in Heaven. That if they waited even the 3 days until I got home that her life could be potentially threatened.
    "We give this child to you. We cast all our cares and worries to you". This has a whole new meaning to me this year than it did when I wrote it a year ago. I now am 21 days away from embarking on another trip to Nepal to go continue the work God has started in these people. I wrestled with going on the trip again this year for many weeks because of those words I wrote a year ago. As I prayed about going these words rang clear in my heart. "As I walk through the shadow of the valley of death I will fear no evil, for the Lord my God is with me". Nothing can stop what God has started. Satan has no power over me. I cast all my cares and worries to you Lord. Thank You for your promise that you will provide everything I need exactly when I need it. 
    I realized that "To live is for Christ and to die is gain" can not just be letters on my arm. I must continue to bring the Joy that is in Christ Jesus to all nations, for the gift of salvation is not just for me but for all people. With only 21 days until I get back on the plane to Nepal I know God is with me and will be here with my family just as he was last year. 
I ask that you all Selah for a minute over your last year, for this has taken on a whole new meaning for me. 
May you feel God's provision over your life this year as you cast all your worries and cares to him.



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