The Post You've All Been Waiting For

I do not even know where to begin this post. Maybe I'll start with: This post  (UNAFRAID) has been on my mind a great deal lately.

And, if you don't know how significantly our lives changed 18 months ago, I do suggest you go back and read that post before you read on.

Did you read it? Fully? Completely? Do you understand our heartache? Now, place that aside, and stand with us in awe of God's glory. In awe of His wonder. In awe of His miracles.


Pick your jaw up off the ground.....


And our minds are totally blown by this revelation.We are just awe struck.
Four at home pregnancy tests and 1 doctor's confirmation is what it took for all of this to sink in. Having to separate what I know as "reality" and understanding that God works in some crazy, beyond-our-comprehension, super-natural ways has proved to be difficult.

But I am reminded of God's grace and his love for me. I am reminded of what I wrote 18 months ago.

I am not afraid.
My God does a great many wonderful things. I don't know if we will conceive again. What a blessing and miracle that would be.

Our little miracle is happening. I am overwhelmed by love. I am so thankful for this gift.

I am 5 weeks today (11/2/2014) and I ask you: please lift our family up in prayer; for my body and health, for our precious baby and a healthy pregnancy, for Andy and our boys.

And thank you to those who have been praying for this miracle. I wish we could express our gratitude more. But there isn't anyway to show you all the love we have.

Guess Who?..... is expecting!!
And no... it isnt "Joe"
Our modified Halloween costumes 

(ps... if you don't know what guess who is.... educate yourselves.... its possibly one of my favorite classic board games of my childhood.)


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