I Couldn't Think Of A Post Title; So This Is It
Fall. Already? Where has summer gone?
We thought that maybe things would begin to slow down as we approach these cooler months. But who are we kidding; life never slows down for the Holms.
We have started year two of Holm Schooling. I was very apprehensive to start again with having Evan and knowing I would need to challenge the boys more. It all seemed too overwhelming. But my mom was so encouraging for me to continue on our home schooling adventure. Knowing that she believes that I can be the teacher the boys need, even with all of our life's craziness, is exactly what I need.
Isaac is a 3rd grader this year. He is loves learning how to write in cursive and is looking forward to the astronomy curriculum we purchased.
Liam is starting 1st grade. His favorite subject so far is math and is looking forward to learning more about how the universe was created by God.
I so enjoy seeing their curiosity, creativity, and ingenuity. Quite frankly I think the boys are brilliant. Not just because they are my children, but simply because they are children. Children have an uncanny way of viewing the world. Seeing it for all its beauty. Because of this, there is so much they can teach me. They are showing me how to rediscover joy. The other day we played soccer in the rain. I felt so alive when we got home. It was so much fun. I found my self overwhelmed by the joying of being with my family, even though we were soaking wet and cold. I laughed so much that night. It was perfect.
Evan is 11 weeks old. I will admit we did have a rough couple of days this week. But totally by my own doing. Liam was sick so we were diffusing some oil blends. One of which has peppermint. Peppermint is known to dry up milk supply in breast feeding moms. So for two days I found myself discouraged that Evan wasn't eating well; therefor not sleeping well. Then when I realized what occurred, I've been working on correcting it. Things have been much better today. His naps were longer. His tummy is fuller. And his smile is just a little bigger. He is such a precious gift to us.
Honestly I have found myself feeling like I've been just a little ungrateful for his presence. Evan really is an extraordinary gift to our family. I need to be counting this blessing daily and giving praise to the One who gave him to us. In the past getting pregnant wasn't difficult. But with our loss and the subsequent the uncertainty of our family's future was daunting. With Evan I have moments of feeling like "Okay growing our family will be easy" again. But the reality is: I really don't know. I have no idea if I will get pregnant again. The only way to really know for sure is if 1. I get pregnant or 2. have some sort of invasive surgery to check out my reproductive organs to see if things have corrected themselves. The only thing I feel needs correcting is my heart. Point in the direction from selfishness to thankfulness.
Andy is doing well. Working hard and hardly working. Lately I have found myself falling in love all over again for my husband... I wish I had the words to describe what I feel in my heart for him and all he has done for our family the last few months, but I don't. ... He is amazing. And he is mine. :)
I'm doing well. For a month I had some unrelenting pain stemming from inflammation and infection in one of my molars. I'm finally medication free and while I'm not totally pain free it feels amazing to not have to feel that chronic pain and be popping meds every 3 hours. I have a root canal coming up next week. So hopefully this issue never arises again.
We are coaching soccer this season, helping in Venture as we prepare for two services, remodeling the basement, homeschooling, and just living life. Its keeping us very busy. How I managed to find time to write this post is beyond me. I'd like to say that I will be updating the blog more often but lets be realistic, who knows when the next update will be. Chao.
We thought that maybe things would begin to slow down as we approach these cooler months. But who are we kidding; life never slows down for the Holms.
We have started year two of Holm Schooling. I was very apprehensive to start again with having Evan and knowing I would need to challenge the boys more. It all seemed too overwhelming. But my mom was so encouraging for me to continue on our home schooling adventure. Knowing that she believes that I can be the teacher the boys need, even with all of our life's craziness, is exactly what I need.
Isaac is a 3rd grader this year. He is loves learning how to write in cursive and is looking forward to the astronomy curriculum we purchased.
Liam is starting 1st grade. His favorite subject so far is math and is looking forward to learning more about how the universe was created by God.
I so enjoy seeing their curiosity, creativity, and ingenuity. Quite frankly I think the boys are brilliant. Not just because they are my children, but simply because they are children. Children have an uncanny way of viewing the world. Seeing it for all its beauty. Because of this, there is so much they can teach me. They are showing me how to rediscover joy. The other day we played soccer in the rain. I felt so alive when we got home. It was so much fun. I found my self overwhelmed by the joying of being with my family, even though we were soaking wet and cold. I laughed so much that night. It was perfect.
Evan is 11 weeks old. I will admit we did have a rough couple of days this week. But totally by my own doing. Liam was sick so we were diffusing some oil blends. One of which has peppermint. Peppermint is known to dry up milk supply in breast feeding moms. So for two days I found myself discouraged that Evan wasn't eating well; therefor not sleeping well. Then when I realized what occurred, I've been working on correcting it. Things have been much better today. His naps were longer. His tummy is fuller. And his smile is just a little bigger. He is such a precious gift to us.
Honestly I have found myself feeling like I've been just a little ungrateful for his presence. Evan really is an extraordinary gift to our family. I need to be counting this blessing daily and giving praise to the One who gave him to us. In the past getting pregnant wasn't difficult. But with our loss and the subsequent the uncertainty of our family's future was daunting. With Evan I have moments of feeling like "Okay growing our family will be easy" again. But the reality is: I really don't know. I have no idea if I will get pregnant again. The only way to really know for sure is if 1. I get pregnant or 2. have some sort of invasive surgery to check out my reproductive organs to see if things have corrected themselves. The only thing I feel needs correcting is my heart. Point in the direction from selfishness to thankfulness.
Andy is doing well. Working hard and hardly working. Lately I have found myself falling in love all over again for my husband... I wish I had the words to describe what I feel in my heart for him and all he has done for our family the last few months, but I don't. ... He is amazing. And he is mine. :)
I'm doing well. For a month I had some unrelenting pain stemming from inflammation and infection in one of my molars. I'm finally medication free and while I'm not totally pain free it feels amazing to not have to feel that chronic pain and be popping meds every 3 hours. I have a root canal coming up next week. So hopefully this issue never arises again.
We are coaching soccer this season, helping in Venture as we prepare for two services, remodeling the basement, homeschooling, and just living life. Its keeping us very busy. How I managed to find time to write this post is beyond me. I'd like to say that I will be updating the blog more often but lets be realistic, who knows when the next update will be. Chao.
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