Random Monday Thoughts with Danielle

I would LOVE a nap right now. But my mind is all over the place today. 

My boys. My cosy little apartment. My husband. My crappy attitude. What's for dinner? My good attitude. My lack of sleep headache. Or maybe it's lack of water? My dream for new house to call home. Snow. I love bed. Purging of things. Ice cream. New baby..... 

I could probably keep going but those were the important things. Ice cream right now; most important. And if you must know... my current favorite is Talenti Caramel Cookie Crunch. So good. 

It's been a rough month for us Holms. With an almost-ten-year-old, we are finding a new child wrought with entitlement, selfishness, and just a plain old bad attitude. It has been difficult to contend with. We easily find ourselves wondering how we got to this point? This isn't the child we raised. But it totally is. Trying to correct it has been a difficult one too. Because the pushback pushes all the buttons and then we lose our cool and we see exactly where he learned it from. Now I cant say every moment is like this. But we are seeing it often. So please be praying over this with us. Pray that we can parent with grace and forgiveness, but also administer the discipline our child needs. 

Which brings me to my attitude; I feel like a loose canon. Restless sleep, ever changing hormones, and stress over being a good example to my children. It's got me all over the place. I'm yelling at one moment and crying at the next. This parenthood gig is a hard one. It makes me thankful for the group of women in my life that I can laugh and cry over parenthood with. I really don't know how much sanity I would have without their encouragement, wisdom and sarcasm. 

Also did you know we are having a baby? Seriously its a little fact that is full on blowing my mind. Ive known for well over a month now and I'm still amazed at God's goodness. His blessings overflow. But because of our new addition we need to start looking for a new home. We have made our tiny apartment home for over 4 years. And the truth is we have out grown it already but have made it work for now. Its hard to let go of simply because we have had the cheapest rates in town. Real estate in Bozeman is so ridiculously expensive. Andy would have to sell his kidney on the black market to get into the "perfect" home. But since he already did that, its a no go. *

*DISCLAIMER: Andy did NOT sell his kidney, but he did happily give it to a most wonderful man who most desperately needed it. 


With Andy's recent kidney donation, he is often asked, "What's your next step?" The answer, plain and simple, is "rest and get healthy again." And THAT IS OKAY!!
Andy is one to constantly go, go, GO! But, both of us, individually, and as a couple, are learning what it means to rest. We are finding rest in God, processing, understanding, and finding peace in what God has asked of us and in what we have experience recently. Right now our mental, emotional, and spiritual health are calling for us to rest and find PEACE in Him. 

Well I suppose that concludes this afternoon session of Random Monday Thoughts with Danielle. While I'd like to say that this would be a new weekly thing, truth is running with the chaos that is our family, there is no guarantee. 
I hope that you can find the patience you need this week in your parenting, as well as rest and peace, and the ice cream you most likely deserve. 

Happy Monday



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