That Mom

I used to have that mind set of " I will never be that mom"
I think each and every woman (and man too) has their own version of what "That Mom" is..

My kids sit together in the cart and wrestle (til someone is crying)... I let them. I'm that mom.
My children pull things off the shelves at the store... I walk away. I'm that mom.
My boys make lots of noise when we go out to eat. We are that family.
During the summer when we go to the store my children usually dont wear shoes. I'm that mom
(by the way... they always go into the store wearing shoes... its usually by the time we get in the door that they are off... and I just dont put them back on.)
My house is never clean. I'm that mom.
My children run around naked all the time. I'm that mom.
I make my children throw their own diapers/pull-ups away (its child labor. I'm that mom.

this list could get alot longer...

I laugh because some of those are just silly. Because most parents let their children do some of those things too. I'm just amused at how much parenthood has changed me. When I was single and even when Isaac was a baby I swore I would never be 'That Mom' and the goal was to be Super Mom.

Times have changed I've accepted that I'm That Mom. Whatever "that" means to you.

PS... Isaac stuck a lego up his nose tonight. I got it out myself. No brain cells lost. I'm that mom


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