good grief....

Grief is a funny thing. Over the last week I've been in a state of grief. Mourning the loss of a dream, a child, the life I had hoped for.

And over the last week I had convinced my self that it would be selfish to share with others about my pain. I realized that grief its self is somewhat selfish, especially when we do not allow ourselves healing and we wallow in our grief. It was selfish to deny those that care about me the opportunity to help me heal. I was convinced that this walk would be one that I must walk alone.

What a lie.

We aren't meant to be alone.

I met with a friend this week. I shared with her my pain. She shared with me hers. We realized that here this whole time we had been walking the same path all along. And yet even though we had discovered each other we STILL WERE NOT ALONE.

God had been walking along with us, waiting for us to call on Him. I am so stubborn. So often I want to handle it all on my own.

My precious friend had someone share with her the other day a page from a devotional.

EXPECT TO ENCOUNTER ADVERSITY in your life, remembering that you live in a deeply fallen world. Stop trying to find a way that circumvents difficulties. The main problem with an easy life is that it masks your need for Me. When you became a christisn , I infused my very life into you, empowering you to live on a supernatural plane by depending on me. 

Anticipate coming face to face with impossiblilites: situations totally beyond your ability to handle. This awareness of your inadequacy is not something you should try to evade. It is precisely where I want you-the best place to encounter Me in My Glory and Power. When you see armies of problems marching toward you, cry out to Me! Allow me to fight for you. Watch Me working on your behalf, as you rest in the shadow of my Almighty Presence. 

Revelation 19:1; Psalm 91:1 

This was a good remind for myself, Andy, and my friend.  God is here to fight for me. This battle I'm fighting through my pain is not one I'm fighting alone. I have the most wonderful people along side me and the King of Glory at my side.


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