My Family

Baby and I wake up every morning at 4:38. Blindly make our way to the bathroom, then blindly making our way back to bed. Where we continue to sleep for another 3 hours. I'm getting used to this schedule so I hope it continues post birth.

This morning, however, we did not sleep. We laid awake, we drank a glass of milk, we perused Facebook, and pondered how this tired mama would write a new blog post. Because, as much as I think people don't read this blog; it gets read and people are wondering..." So, is it a boy or a girl?!?!?!"

Well aren't you all lucky, because that's exactly what I am preparing to do. Right now. But first....

Watch this video....

I've been told its not very clear. So maybe this picture will help clear the air.....

We'll call this:
"Moment of Realization"

The boys have prayed, relentlessly over the last 18 months for a sister. And so many other's have as well. We've had a mix of reactions from those we've told over the last 24 hours. Both joy and sadness. Seriously, don't cry for me, Argentina. The truth is, I knew.

Over the last month, God had been preparing my heart for another boy in our future. I told Andy about 2 weeks ago. He knew then, our precious miracle, would be revealed as a beautiful, healthy baby boy. And on February 12th it was. We saw our beautiful boy all smooshed up together, being so terribly stubborn (like a Holm) and making a difficult time for the ultrasound tech. I wouldn't be honest if I didn't say I was a tinge disappointed. But our sweet girl that we so desperately desire is not yet ready to join our family. And I am okay with that. It just means our family will end up being bigger than I ever anticipated. God has big things for our family, I have no doubt. And those prayers for our girl haven't gone unheard. Or unanswered. God knows what He is doing, despite our internal craving to understand and know what exactly He has planned.
So for now its snips and snails and puppy dog tails in this family.

My Precious Boy,

How Mommy and Daddy love you so. My heart aches for the day I can hold you in my arms. To hear your sweet cry. To see you with your brothers. Don't let big brother, Liam, fool you. He loves you. They both do. They are excited to teach you about being a mischievous Holm, how to climb trees, and how to convince mom to set up the camping tent in the living room. I can't even list all the things your daddy will teach you. He is an amazing man to learn from. One thing we look forward to teaching you: God's love for you is endless.
We love you, more than words could ever express. We cant wait to see you, my sweet little boy. Just dont rush to get here too soon. Your family is waiting.

I love you.


So excited for my 3 boys to be together. Goobers. 


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