You cant move it up there

Read more- Watch less
Listen more- talk less
Wonder more- Wander less.

I heard that at church yesterday. The first line is what hit me hard. I am part of a generation addicted to technology. I rely way too much on our television to babysit my boys. I am beginning to see the effects of it and I am not impressed. So last night Andy and I took the TV out of the living room and into our room. The boys arent allowed to play in our room, so moving it there seemed like the best solution.

When Isaac woke up this morning he was a little concerned that the TV had disappeared. When he realized we moved it he said "You cant move it up there." Oh my dear son, yes I can...

So far this morning we went for a walk/run, did some painting, and made a mini fort. This afternoon I'm sure I will do laundry and have them play with trains, maybe we will do some reading and have a dance party later...
I need to find new and creative ways of keeping them busy.... so if anyone has ideas I'd love them.


  1. Wow. That is inspiring! We use the TV a lot too, but I use it more for Pandora (the TV has built in wifi- talk about being addicted to technology!), so we have music on most of the day. I would be lying if I said we never watched it though. Good for you!


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