Quick Update

I've been staring at this blank page trying to figure out where I can update. Life in ministry has been keeping us busy.
A few weeks ago we had an Easter Egg Scrabble at a park located in a low-income neighborhood. Quite a few kids and their parents showed up. It was a blast!!  While kids  were scrambling to get as many eggs as they could they were definitely having to hunt in the snow for their eggs. And while there was a couple inches of snow on the field, the sun was shining and the day was absolutely beautiful.

Side Note: Whenever someone asks me how my week was and what I did I can never answer.

So the last two weeks have been busy. With what? I'm not sure. Sunday- Venture Day. Monday- Guys Group. Tuesday- Guys Group 2. Wednesday- Parenting. Thursday and Friday we usually end up having people over for dinner. Our home has a constant stream of neighbors, friends, and strangers(well new acquaintances)  in and out of our home. Its awesome.

This next Sunday is another Venture Church Serve the City Sunday. A day filled sweat (from hard work) and tears (from cutting onions) serving our community. Its going to be awesome!!


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