Approach Intl

Arguably one of the most untouched places on the planet. Many Nepalis believe it to be one of the homes of the Hindu god, Shiva. Officially, this 7000 meter twin peaked mountain named Machapuchare, also known as Fish Tail, has never been summited. It stands alone, not far from many of the tallest mountains in the world that  have been summited over and over. It has a majestic lure to it. One of the few untouchable mountains in the world, it taunts those that would like to stand atop. Knowing that it is off limits to climb.

Over the many years of going back to Nepal and gazing up at something so pristine. I often wonder what it would be like to make the long approach into the unknown. To forge the path up a mountain, to stand on top of a mountain where no human has set foot before.

As I pack my bags to go back to Nepal. I think about how I have approached my hopes and dreams. Many times I have looked at them like this mountain. Though they may be beautiful, majestic and even set apart from the biggest of dreams, they still seem out of reach or off limits. The reality for me is I just never tried that hard to reach them. In part because I have always known that my dream was to help others in some capacity, but how or what it looked like varied because of outside influences and the fear of failure. 

Over the past 6 months I have been doing some serious self reflection  I came to the conclusion that I have been needing a mental shift again. I needed to refocus and change my approach.  After many tough but great conversations, brain storming, and late night prayers. I have made the decision to not let the worry of the unknown keep me from conquering the summit of my dreams. It is time to take on the adventure                                                       of achieving the wildest of dreams. My dreams are attainable. 

Where am I going with all of this? 

For me it has always been about the approach, and that is why Approach Intl. has come to life. A nonprofit organization committed to conquering the majestic lure of the summit of our dreams. We are committed to helping those who have been told their dreams are untouchable. With all my travels all over the world I noticed that many people, unlike myself, have never had the pleasure of being too lazy to fulfill their dreams. They have had dreams smashed by earthquakes, war, famine, political gain, and other natural disasters. Approach Intl. has been created to bridge the gap between the dreams of so many and the challenges that they face; to partner with those who want to make a difference in their communities, stay in the country they love and live abundantly in it. We are here to help those that don't have the abilities to reach the summit alone.

This is Brent. He's a cool dude
Now there is something to be said about having a good friend whose got your back. I'm fortunate to have many of those. But my friend, Brent Powell, has been a steadfast pillar in seeing the idea of Approach come to fruition. I truly could not do this without him. He will be joining me on this journey of Approach as we head to Nepal on March 1, 2018. 
As we continue to finish the many details of Approach Intl. I invite you to come along side us. Follow our work on our Instagram, Facebook and sign up to receive updates on our website  

I will always respect and admire the mountain Fish Tail for its majestic presence and forbidden peaks. Now I use it as a reminder to not let my dreams and the dreams of others slip in to the past to forever be untouched. 

Welcome to the Approach


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