Catching Our Breath

Since Monday the 25th we have been in 8 different states and over two thousand miles. We are currently in Andy's home town, catching our breath.
On Monday night we stayed with some pretty amazing friends and their precious little boy in Sioux Falls SD.
Tuesday and Wednesday night we stayed with Andy's brother and sister-in-law and their little guy in Rapid City SD.
Thursday morning we left our boys in Rapid City while we made the trek to Bozeman with our moving truck towing one of our vehicles while I drove the other. What a drive! It was absolutely beautiful!
What an amazing country God made America. It really is America the Beautiful! (Let me back up) Iowa was so lush and green, the corn was so tall. Just amazing. South Dakota was so green and golden. Driving through Wyoming was so cool. Lots of hills and awesomeness. I am really having difficulty describing the beauty of it all.
But driving into Bozeman was absolutely breath taking. My jaw dropped, tears in my eyes, it was just amazing.

We are so excited to be in Bozeman. It was kind of a culture shock. It is just so different from what I am used to. But we love it.

pictures dont capture the absolute glorious-ness of it all. you have to be there and experience it yourself


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