
I cant believe I have let so much time pass since our last blog! UNBELIEVABLE I know!

But I feel as if I should share some of our praises!

A few Sundays ago Isaac was up early and saw me reading my Bible. He asked me if I was reading because I loved God. I told him yes I was. Because I love God and I want to be obedient to him I was reading. [We have been talking about obedience a lot with Isaac] He asked me a few more questions and then asked me something that just stopped my heart.

Mommy, can I have Jesus in my heart too?

I honestly didnt know how to react. I got really misty eyed. I smiled and told him he needed to go tell Daddy what he wanted. Of course he was quickly distracted by a few toys and forgot. After about 10 minutes I asked him if had talked to Daddy yet.

OH not yet Mommy!!!

Isaac went running to our bedroom. He woke Andy up by saying

  Daddy, Can I have Jesus in my heart?

The exact words of the conversation that followed I dont know. Thats between Isaac, Andy and God. What I do know is that my sweet Isaac Daniel Holm asked Jesus to be in his heart. Yes, we do realize he is only four years old, and may not truly truly understand the weight and power of what he has asked but we believe without a doubt that it is step in the right direction. Please pray that we can continue to guide Isaac (and Liam) on the path God has laid out for him.

In other news..... WE HAVE A FREEZER!!!
Thanks to my wonderful mother and mother in law we have a freezer! It was delivered today and I am so happy with its new home in our utility room. I cant wait for it to be filled with food to share with our neighbors and friends as well as all strangers that enter our home. I hope that with hospitality and good food strangers wont be strangers anymore....


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