
So its supposed to snow on Saturday and here Andy and I are looking at freezers. Early after our move we decided that we wanted to get a freezer to buy bulk foods and have cook outs with our neighbors at no expense to them. So that we might get to know them and create a new sense of community. Well the lack of not having a freezer and the lack of warm weather has made it difficult to cookout. That hasnt stopped us from inviting our community inside our home to build  relationships on a more intimate level.
As we continue to dream of the possibilities a freezer could provide....

.... today we stumbled upon ---> THIS beauty!

Please be in prayer with us! That this little beaut will find itself comfortably nestled into our garage and that it may be filled with homemade pies and breads to be given away as well as other delicious foods to feasted upon by neighbors to enjoy.


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