Why we do what we do.
Tomorrow morning or in 9hrs, is another big day for us and Venture Church. We are having our second morning preview/practice service. Some of you may have heard of this but others may not have. I got to thinking about it and thought I would give you a small break down of why we feel it necessary to preview a church service.
First we need to get to the core of who we are at Venture church. We are a group of people who first, and always first love God. Those of us who are on the core team, lead team, or whatever name you want to give us have vowed to put God first in our lives through prayer and reading of the Bible. Then applying the things we learn through those two things we do the next two things.
We Love People. We love people because God first loved us. Funny how the first part reflects the second. We truly Love people for who they are, where they are, and why they are there, but that doesn't mean we want them to stay where they are.
The third value we uphold at Venture is we serve. I can't even start to count the number of service hours our team has built up in the last 6 months. Now that may sound like bragging, because it is. We brag what God can do through people who take care of the widow, the poor, the homeless, the broken, the lonely. God was many things, a leader, teacher, pastor, GOD. He did these things through service. Serving was one of God's specialties, and we feel very strongly about it.
So why do we do a preview service? So that you can come experience the three things we experience all week. Its not a program or even a service. It is a celebration, a celebration of what God has been doing all week through us. We practice this so that we are representing God to the best of our abilities. Who is it for? It is for those who may have not yet experienced God. It is also for those who may have once had a relationship with God and have lost their way. Its a chance for followers of Jesus and those who do not follow, to come together and learn that everyday not just Sunday is a day to celebrate God and what he can do in our life. We won't teach you to come and be a part of Venture. We will teach you to go out everyday and be Venture. Love God, Love People, Serve Others.
Pray that we all will represent Jesus Christ daily. That when we meet people they can't help but feel the presents of God.
That will be my prayer for all of you also.
Peace out and God Bless,
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