Its been a while since I have written about what God has been up to in our lives. My amazing wife has been doing it for us. I have felt like this last month God has shown me more reasons to be his disciple than ever in my life. First THANKS to all those who are praying. You really have no idea how much it helps us on our mission here in Bozeman. I didn't know what field of work I wanted to get in to when I got to Bozeman. I just wanted to be used for His glory wherever I work. I didn't realize when I prayed that prayer that God was going to make me stick to my word.
I work for a construction company, but for the last week I was a sewer man, replacing sewer pipe at an assisted living home in Sheridan MT. Now I got nothing against those that do that kind of thing. I actually have more respect for them now that I have done it. It is a physically demanding job when you have to break up the concrete by hand, hall out all the dirt by wheel barrow and then carry out the pipe that burst. The real demanding part is on your stomach with the smell and sight of what might fall out of the pipe. So I got to thinking this week a lot about our crap. Not that crap, get your mind out of the gutter. HAHA I'm hilarious.
Our crap we carry in life, our baggage. I think about some of the people I have gotten a chance to come in to contact with here and my heart just hurts for them. They have so much weighing them down. Some have broken relationships, financial troubles, parenting issues, drug addictions, loneliness and the list goes on. I have gotten a chance to get to know one young man that I work with and I'm asking that you pray for him. Danielle and I have gotten a chance to see your prayers be answered over the last week when we have asked you to specifically pray for someone. So I am asking you to pray that my co-worker is set free, that he will drop all his baggage at the feet of Jesus. That he will open his heart to the freedom from all the hate, loneliness, selfishness, and his insecurity. That he will get to join us on a path to a fulfilling life with Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
If you are a prayer warrior I will load you with some more specific prayer requests.
a freezer and meat for it.- We are going to do weekly cook out for our neighbors, open the door for community and relationships in a lonely disconnected people through food. Ya know everyone loves free stuff!.
Us- to continue with perseverance and build up our relationship in the Lord to be used for his glory.
Venture (Church) The rest of the team who are on mission to help people take there next step on their spiritual journey here in Bozeman.
The Hearts of those we come in contact with- God would prepare them for us to be his hands and feet where we are needed in there lives.
Thanks everyone May you continue to be Jesus where you are and we will always be praying for you.
-Thanks for being the church with me today-
peace out and God bless
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