Small Victories

We are proud parents. Since moving we have gone full force into potty training Liam. 
And that work and perseverance has paid off. 
Little Bear is potty trained. Sure he has the occasional accident and its usually standing in front of the toilet struggling to get his pants down.... anyway YAY Liam!

Isaac on the other hand has been potty trained for over a year and a half now. But must wear pull ups at night. 
The last few nights he has gotten up to go to the bathroom and wakes up in the morning with a dry pull-up! So proud of him! YAY Isaac!!

Also today Isaac announced that he wanted to ride his bike without training wheels. We has a bit of a rocky start. Sometimes Isaac is easily discouraged if he cant do it right the first time. But with encouragement and perseverance he rocked it! We are still having trouble with our 'take off' but once he gets going he does really well. Maybe tomorrow he wont need Mommy and Daddy's help. He's a champ and we are proud.

We are proud of both our boys and their small personal victories. 


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