my heavy heart.

I got a sad phone call Monday night from a great friend I haven't talked to in a while. You already know where this is going. It sucks to hear what comes next. Someone I know has passed away. A friend from high school that we all liked. A fun loving guy that was always full of life. We had some great laughs, and then as time passed we all started to grow up and go our own ways. We would check in on each other every few years or creep on Facebook and like a picture they posted or a comment they left. These past two days I have been thinking a lot about the people God has placed in my life, and what kind of post I have been leaving on their lives.

God places people in our lives for a season, and its how we use that time we have with them that makes all the difference in the world. Are we going to encourage them, laugh with them, listen to them, even love them? Or are we going to discourage them, mock them, and even hate them? I know in my life I have done things on both sides of the spectrum. Sad to think of but its true. I started to ask God everyday to help me love like He loves, and put others first in my life. I do this so that I can know that I have put my best foot forward and have no regrets about how I treat someone God had placed in my life, because I know that life is short and eternity is very long. My prayer everyday is that God's peace will shine through me and those around me will see it and want to have it. 

I know its hard to hear when someone says all things happen for a reason. I for one have heard it more times than I can count, but the more I look back on those things good or bad in my past and reflect on them the saying should go, all things have there time and season. It is what we do with that time during that season that will matter most. I hope that everyone who reads this will take a moment and think about the people in your life. 

Peace out and God Bless



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