Something on my mind....

There is just something that is bothering me lately.

I do not have enough fingers and toes to count how many couples I know my age that have already been married and now divorced.

This breaks my heart.

Something I think my generation has been missing is that love isn't just some small thing. Love is huge. Its not "Hey we just met at a bar I think I'll date you for fun-sies." Or "Hey I've only known you a few weeks but I'm in love." Its called lust.

My generation no longer knows, understands, or appreciates the meaning of the words " I love you"

I have a simple rule. Know the person for at least 6 months before you start to date. Be friends first, get to know each other first, not get to know each other while you are dating.

I remember once I went out on a "date" for my college winter formal, half way through the guy says, "Wow, we really have nothing in common."

I'm thankful, that while Andy and I had a few miss steps before our marriage, we knew each other, we had been great friends for years before we started dating, which is maybe why our marriage is so "harmonious" (according to my good friend and neighbor). We know each other in and out. Andy is my best friend and the person you marry should be yours.

We keep our communication lines open in order to fight the good fight of keeping our marriage in tact.

Okay I'm done venting now.


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