Gimme Dat Funk....

Gimme dat funk.. or not. It seems that with the change of seasons, so came a change in attitude. That attitude hasnt been necessarily pleasant, its just kind of blah. Right now, we feel like there is so much uncertainty in our future. We have prayed our Sun Stand Still prayer, yet we are terrified. We believe that God will provide all our needs, He always has.
I like to be in control. I like to have plans. I need to know whats going to happen when and where. As a mom I need it for my sanity. Occasionally (depending on what it is) Andy is the same way.
We are in a funk and its because we are afraid of letting go and letting God have 100% control of our lives.
We have to be completely transparent and honest about how we are feeling right now.

Please be praying for us, for our transition.
Pray for wisdom as I learn to be more frugal with finances.
Pray for our boys as they are suffering from a little cold.

Continue to pray for the people of Bozeman. For open hearts and minds.

OH! Oh oh... also Venture plans to do something called Blessings in a Backpack. We are very excited about bringing this to Bozeman and Belgrade Elementary Schools. We have already talked to one school about it and they were every excited for us to be doing this. Pray that the other school will be open to this idea. And pray for the finances to make this happen. It will cost $80.oo per child for the school year.


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