Happy 2018

Where'd the year go? My last blog post was in March of 2017. I'm slacking. Andy has challenged me to continue blogging because

1. I'm hilarious
2. We have a hilarious toddler.
3. We are in an interesting stage of life:

We have an infant, a toddler, and two little boys on the cusp of... tweenhood. It makes for a lot of hair pulling moments, tears from the boys and their mama, and yet, most importantly, it makes for a lot of hilarious moments. Moments filled with laughter; gut-punching laughter and a great deal of joy.

In my post a year ago, I lamented over the ever changing attitude of our 10 year old. I lamented over my attitude and how I parent. I've recently discovered a book that has been most insightful. Now, don't judge the fact that its taken me 4 months to get into the first 3 chapters, it really has been a great read. And just in those first three chapters, its motivated me to change how I speak to and discipline my boys.

One of my goals for the year is to have more grace in my parenting. I want to be a more calm version of myself when I parent. I have certainly made some strides in the last few months but I have a little further to go. I'm less explosive and more thoughtful in the Why's and What's of why my children behave in the way they do. And the truth is I still have explosive moments but I'm getting there.

Well now, I think my first of the year is going to come to a quick close. I've got a napping infant and a toddler who is, ashamedly, being distracted by the television. I've got a date with my Airdyne that I am not looking forward to. But in true New Year fashion, I've challenged myself to get healthier.

What sorts of challenges have you made for yourself this year?

(The parenting book I am reading is
 No Drama Discipline: The Whole Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nature Your Childs Developing Mind )


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