
I'd like to think that every once in a while I have these amazingly profound thoughts. In reality, it's because it is 3:00 am, I'm fumbling to feed a baby, and hardly coherent. Any thoughts that come at that time seem profound.

Yesterday I got my hair cut. And the conversation my stylist and I kept having was how much weight would be lifted with this cut. She was right; 5+ inches of hair chopped feels so good. I had been getting my hair caught in everything: the seatbelt, my baby's hands, my food, zippers, and its been incredibly dry so my hair was also a static mess. 

(Side note: My precious boys before they even saw my hair told me that no matter what I had done, it was beautiful. I am so thankful for the encouragement my little men give me. There is something about the way a child says "Mama you are beautiful" that just makes a mama's heart burst. )

But back to that weight. During my 3:00 am wakefulness and awareness of the lightness of my hair, I thought

"What other weight in my life do I need to cut?" 

What is holding me down; holding me back? What are the things that keep me from being a better me? 
I'm still processing this question for myself. I am constantly eliminating things in my life. Clutter. Toxic people. More clutter. So it's just a matter of looking around and within myself to find the next cut.

 But what about you?

Is there something weighing you down? What do you need to cut?


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